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Showmaxs School Holidays Watchlist: from Headspace to Migration

Alaka S01E89

Alaka S01E88

uma jornada de retorno ao nosso estado natural de ser, onde a mente se despoja de suas camadas de condicionamentos e expectativas, permitindo que a sabedoria interna floresa sem esforo...
*A Caminhada at a Meditao Intuitiva.*
Veja Aqui:

Acesse, assista, oua, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha...

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Ve informacij:

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Dont miss the opportunity to learn from our practical hands-on online class from the comfort of your own home! The first class kicks off on September 26th!

Our Introduction to Security class teaches you the basics of how to attack and defend with real examples. Online students will be able to run a local docker-based cyber range to replicate exactly what we teach in class.

Our international team of teachers is working very hard to make sure our students have a great learning experience and are able to try and test things without fear of breaking things up!

Check the requirements and how to register on our website:

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1 October 2024 11:00 - 12:00 CEST

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