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N64 Racing Games Extreme-G and Iggys Reckin Balls Hit Nintendo Switch IGN, Nintendo has added two N64 racing games to Nintendo Switch Online: Extreme-G and Iggys Reckin Balls. Extreme-G, developed by Probe and published by Acclaim in October 1997, is a WipEout-style futuristic racing game that did well enough to spawn three sequels. Heres the, ,

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Reminder: Nintendos Zelda: TOTK And Mario Wonder GDC Talks Are Now Online In support of Free, Image: Nintendo Life You might remember that last month, Nintendo came to the annual Game Developers Conference (GDC) armed with interesting talks about The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and Super Mario Bros. Wonder. Certain topics covered in these talks trickled out to those of us who weren, ,

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Volkswagen sotto attacco: 19.000 documenti di propriet intellettuale violati dagli hacker cinesi

In una violazione significativa che ha scosso l , i media hanno riferito che gli si sono infiltrati nei del Gruppo , una delle pi grandi case automobilistiche del mondo.

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RHC Conference 2024. I giovani in prima fila per un futuro pi sicuro e illuminato nel mondo cyber!

La conferenza di che si sviluppata nelle giornate di venerd 19 e sabato 20 aprile, ha visto la presenza di moltissimi giovani provenienti dalle diverse parti del nostro paese.

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Poco fa arrivato in redazione il comunicato stampa dell'ACN riguardo alla presentazione di oggi della annuale realizzata dall per la cybersicurezza nazionale, , relativa alle attivit svolte nel 2023 che pubblichiamo nella sua interezza.

Nintendo Switch Update Out Now, Heres What It Does, The latest Nintendo Switch firmware update has arrived, but dont expect anything too substantial in terms of improvements or new features. This newest update, which brings the system up to version 18.0.1, fixes an issue pertaining to wireless access points. Specifically, these wireless access points could sometimes fa, ,

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Nintendo Expands Switch Onlines N64 Library With Two More Titles, embedded contentSubscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube764k Nintendo has added two N64 surprises to the Switch Online + Expansion Pack service this week. This includes the 1997 futuristic racer Extreme-G and the 1998 racing game Iggys Reckin Balls. Both titles were published by Acclaim Entertainment back, ,

Poll: So, Will You Be Getting Endless Ocean: Luminous, embedded contentSubscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube764k Endless Ocean next week returns alongside a third entry in support of the Nintendo Switch. This new game officially titled Endless Ocean: Luminous will include online multiplayer supporting up to 30 players and will also include limited-time event times, where you can spot unusual sights a, ,

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May Savings promotion comes to PlayStation Store , Theres something for everyone in the May Savings promotion, ,

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What is the Xbox Series Z and does it exist, Does the Xbox Series Z happen The Xbox Series Z does nay officially exist, and is only a fan-created term used to refer to a possible future Xbox console and/or handheld gaming device. While its possible (if negative likely) that an Xbox handheld arrives in the future, theres nay official word just yet, an, ,

The Ultimate Guide to the SNES: Everything You Need to Know, The Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) is a classic gaming console that holds a special place in the hearts of many gamers. Released in 1990, the SNES was the successor to the original Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and featured improved graphics, sound, and gameplay. , ,

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Il gruppo APT29 colpisce Windows con un malware backdoor attraverso lo spooler di stampa

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