"The Internet Outages Map is an at-a-glance visualization of global Internet health over the last 24 hours, tracking Internet outages across ISPs, top application providers, public clouds, and edge service networks."
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From 04 Oct: X fails to avoid Australia child safety fine by arguing Twitter doesnt exist - Had X Corps argument been accepted by the Court, it could have set the concerning precedent that a... -sexual-abuse-materials -musk -child-safety -safety -corp
Ab dem 11. Oktober heit es bei klarem Himmel: In der Abenddmmerung Ausschau halten nach C/2023 A3 (-)! Was uns erwartet, wo wir suchen mssen - und berhaupt: was ist eigentlich ein Komet - all das verrt uns Uwe Pilz, Vorsitzender der Vereinigung der Sternfreunde und Leiter der VdS-Fachgruppe am Montag, dem 7. Oktober um 19 Uhr live bei Astro & Co!
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How to Opt Out of .I.
Hint: You cant, really.
By Kyle Chayka
..."It is, in fact, possible to prevent Meta from training its A.I. models on your personal data. In the United States, there is no law giving users the right to protect their public posts against A.I., but you can set your Instagram account to private, which will prevent models from scraping your data. (Users in the United Kingdom and European Union, which have stronger data reg...
Wayne County (waynecounty.com
) suffered a cyberattack.
Interpellation d'un mineur souponn d'avoir commis plusieurs escroqueries en ligne, d'avoir effectu des paiements par cartes bancaires et d'avoir usurp l'identit de plusieurs internautes pour lancer de fausses alertes la bombe. Il sera convoqu en janvier 2025 devant le juge des enfants.
La Banque de France (banque-france.fr
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Australische rechtbank legt boete op aan x corp ondanks fusie met twitter Corp Safety Act
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Buk su manim S02E516
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Beschuldigingen tegen roblox: vermeende misbruikpraktijken onder de loep platforms Bear Cave
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Aistru kasyklos S01E03
Une partie des systmes informatiques de Ville d'Oyonnax (oyonnax.fr
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Alaka S01E114
In today's ruling in C-446/21
, Court of Justice of the European Union has fully backed a lawsuit brought against Meta, over its Facebook service.
Mozilla is going to be more active in digital advertising.
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E. Jean Carroll V. Donald Trump is a fairly short covering the testimony of writer in her against former President Donald . He was found liable for and defamation, and ordered to pay $83.3 million in damages.
Kathryn Hahn, Ellen Burstyn, Lexi Underwood, and Regina Taylor act out Carroll's testimony and her lawyer's words. Entire film watchable here:
Na het datalek bij de politie (politie.nl
) vrezen agenten dat de hackers ook informatie over politieonderzoek kunnen verkrijgen.