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Kaspersky Lab ha intervistato pi di 20.000 in tutto il mondo e ha scoperto che il ha raggiunto proporzioni ed ora una minaccia comune in quasi tutti i paesi.

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I pubblici ministeri federali di New York hanno accusato il canadese Klaus Pflugbeil, e il cinese Yilong Shao, di aver per divulgare a .

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Il 19 marzo 2024, il parco pi grande della e il secondo parco divertimenti pi visitato dEuropa dopo a Parigi non pieno di famiglie con .

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Sete digitale. Lamministrazione Biden mette in allerta di possibili attacchi alle infrastrutture idriche statunitensi

Lamministrazione mette in guardia dal rischio di attacchi alle forniture , citando le persistenti da parte di legati ai governi di e .

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In April 2023, . This also included 3rd party apps, e.g. the famous iOS Reddit client Apollo.

While there was hope it wont get too pricy at first and the other changes , that hope got crushed when . Due to this, many developers of 3rd party Reddit clients decided to close down their apps.

On Reddit itself, this spawned the so-called and the search for .

Many people found a new home in either or or went on to completely different realms. And of those, many decided to completely wipe their account on Reddit as a sign of protest. And as deleting content on Reddit only sets a flag in their database while the actual text is kept, there was a desire to overwrite all old comments before deleting them.

One tool to achieve this is the a browser extension that collects all available posts and comments by remote-controlling your browser session and going through your Reddit profile.

Theres only one issue: Reddit only associates the latest 1,000 comments and posts with your profile. While you might be able to find a few older items by using the different available filters in the Reddit profile, with 10 years of Reddit history as in my case, you will barely scratch the surface.

I was able to find various more comments from me via a Google search for "mbirth avatar" that didnt show up on my Reddit profile but were still in their system. (The added avatar string makes sure to only return actual comments from me and not just mentions of my username.) A finally revealed that of my 9,000 comments made over those 10 years, over 7,000 were still there and publicly accessible. So I started looking for a way to wipe them in an automated fashion.

Other users of the PowerDeleteSuite noticed the same problem and created . User confluence turned the posted snippet into a working script and published it which I used as a starting point. After adding the deletion of comments to it, I couldnt help myself and fleshed it out with 2FA support, optional skipping of entries (it you want to resume work without it having to check all previous entries) and a progress bar including calculation of time remaining (thanks to the wonderful Rich library).

Ive published my version of the script and instructions here: .

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Gli hacker di NGC2180 sono alla Ricerca di Dati Sensibili allinterno delle autorit russe

Gli di sicurezza hanno scoperto la penetrazione di stranieri nell di unautorit esecutiva anonima della Federazione russa. I affermano che gli aggressori hanno utilizzato autoprodotti per lo e che per il controllo remoto hanno utilizzato server compromessi di organizzazioni in diversi paesi.

This is all true, and I've felt all these annoyances (except TikTok since I never got on that). But it's also organically decreased my time a lot, especially tweeting a lot less and that's been kinda pleasant.

I realize this announcement is a few weeks old, but I missed it, and you may have as well. The Competition Bureaus investigation of intensifies with court order for documents.

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