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Paper: did a
Reviewer 1: I am unaware of that study. Please provide a .
Authors response: LOL it!
Paper: show
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Authors response: Dont fall for s lies!
Paper: now believe
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Authors response: Think for yourself! Do your own !
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Hello adults, we would like to start hosting some and was wondering what would people like to see at these Vote and add your favourite games to the comments, and be sure to follow us to see when these events get announced. (Reposting cause the first time I posted this poll to only my followers, it got no votes at all.)
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Il Cuore pi al sicuro con i droni Defibrillatori: LInnovazione che Sta Salvando Vite in Anticipo sui Tempi
I del Institutet hanno condotto uno studio volto a migliorare la cura dell improvviso () utilizzando droni dotati di automatici esterni () al posto delle ambulanze.
Preso lavoreremo 3 giorni a settimana. Parola di Bill Gates!
Il miliardario e co-fondatore di Bill ha suggerito che i progressi nell () potrebbero portare a ridurre la settimana lavorativa a soli tre giorni.