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Matra Minitel Terminal (1984)

Matra Minitel Terminal (1984)

The Minitel was a Videotex online service accessible through telephone lines, and is considered one of the worlds most successful pre-World Wide Web online services.

Source: Wikipedia

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Tai Chi Chuan, a Meditao em Movimento - Meditantes PodCast #45

Playlist do Episodio:

Acesse, assista, oua, aproveite!

Tai Chi Chuan, a Meditao em Movimento - Meditantes PodCast #45

Playlist do Episodio:

Acesse, assista, oua, aproveite!

Il sito del Ministero della Giustizia Offline: Attivit di Manutenzione o qualcosa di pi sinistro

Entdecke das Datenuniversum! Kostenlos im Online-Workshop "Daten! Chancen und Herausforderungen erkunden", 27. Feb, 16-19 Uhr. Lerne ber Datenschutz, offene Daten und mehr. Keine Vorkenntnisse ntig! Melde Dich an:

Due bug di sicurezza con score 10 rilevati su FortiSIEM di Fortinet. Exploit non ancora pubblici : Aggiornare immediatamente


LIncubo dei 3 Milioni di Spazzolini Elettrici che fanno DDoS. Tra verit e Fake News

Un bug critico su Cisco gateway Expressway espone i sistemi ad attacchi CSRF

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In April 2024, I will be offering the module "Meet The Last Man" with SPACE (Signum Portals for Adult Continuing Education) via .

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For more information, see

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"There're 5.4 million people who didn't sign the petition," Slovak Martina imkoviov told journalists on Wednesday in response to a public petition calling for her resignation, signed by over 188,000. The ministry claims many signatures are fake, arguing that people signed the (!) petition at night or from abroad.

Respingimenti nel Mediterraneo centrale: la militarizzazione del mare e lintervento di attori privati. Pratiche di analisi e di contrasto

ore 15 Organizzano Alarm Phone, ASGI, Comitato Nuovi Desaparecidos, Mediterranea Saving Humans, Sea-Watch, JLP

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Le sanzioni contro la Cina stano creando la loro autonomia tecnologica. i 10 anni di vantaggio stanno finendo

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Buchen Sie jetzt ein Morgenseminar der Research Institute Academy!
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Interessierte mit Lust auf an (egal ob , oder in Prsenz) - immer gerne bei uns melden!

Schnes Video des Hessischen Volkshochschulverbandes "Werde an Deiner " das wir hier gerne teilen:

Un compito da CISO: intensificare gli sforzi contro gli attacchi

Le USB con sicurezza avanzata vengono prese di mira in Europa

Zero Trust: perch non riguarda sempre (e solo) lidentit!

News sites need to start adding a "share to Mastodon" link at the bottom of their articles. It's time.

Os Movimentos Apoiam na Meditao - Meditantes PodCast #45

Acesse, assista, oua, aproveite!

Ana Horta fala sobre a Sabedoria da Medicina Chinesa no Meditantes PodCast #45

Acesse, assista, oua, aproveite!

Vctimas de Deepfake.

Minecraft agora ensina os mais pequenos a terem respeito e segurana na internet


Here is my summary of some interesting lessons learned from organizing six scientific online meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Eravamo scarsi di linguaggi di programmazione. I cetrioli sottaceto di Apple Pickle sbarcano nellarena!

Entdecken Sie, wie der Safer Internet Day 2024 fr ein sichereres Internet fr alle sorgt. -Sicherheit

Low-quality, mass-produced commercial online content is flooding the search results of Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo, researchers say.

And yes, their measurements confirm that search results are less useful than they used to be.

Read the academic publication:


Q&A: Amy Jephta on Catch Me A Killer

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