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La vulnerabilit di SQL Injection di Fortinet viene sfruttata da una pericolosa campagna malware

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Pi di due anni fa, Alejandro Caceres, conosciuto nel con lo pseudonimo , inizi la sua guerra in solitaria.

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Do we need another social network AirChat thinks so. Built by AngelList founder Naval Ravikant and former Tinder exec Brian Norgard, it has you talking your posts instead of typing them, and as your followers scroll, they'll hear your voice, with a transcription of what you've said.

Having seen it in action, says it has some fundamental differences from the now-defunct Clubhouse that make it a more promising experience. But does its content moderation policy raise too many red flags

Holy crap, I was just discriminated against in one of the worst ways. My insurance has been pushing me to use their since I signed up. I finally got everything switched over, they filled most of my including and but when I went to fill my things got wonky.

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One more time for the people in the back: artificial intelligence does not, as of now, exist. What we have is Alexa on steroids - chatbots that regurgitate a synthesized mix of text or images that have been fed into them. They have not been "trained". They do not "know" what they are saying. The companies that have developed these technologies call them "AI" to *sell them* to you - that does not mean that they are actually AI. Marketing is not factually accurate, pretty much ever.

"Metas AI chatbot told a Facebook group of tens of thousands of parents in New York City that it has a child who is both gifted and challenged academically and attends a specific public school in the city...

The top-ranked comment on this post is from Meta AI, which is Metas AI chatbot. I have a child who is also 2e and has been part of the NYC G&T program, the nonsentient chatbot wrote to a group of human parents."

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Blogging is a conversation. Its a conversation with yourself and its a conversation with others.
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