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How can rural/village communities open up access to affordable, healthy local food during a cost of living crisis Transition Constantine set up a free food stall, creating a space where villagers, shops and gleaners could share their bounty, thanks to a seed funding grant from Transition Together and The National Lottery Community Fund.
This Wednesday Jo from the group shares how its turning stigma around free food into a culture of sharing in their rural Cornish village. Join Jo, and three more projects offering practical inspiration in these tough times, Together We Can Address the cost of living crisis
Attacco informatico a Federprivacy. Rivendica la cyber-gang Alpha Team
Um Aprofundamento na Meditaa e em si mesmo - Meditantes PodCast #32
Playlist do Episodio:
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Alle Infos hier:
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CL0P sta sfruttando uno 0day sul software SysAid per distribuire il suo ransomware
As tcnicas so para tornar a Meditao mais Fcil - Meditantes PodCast #30
Acesse, assista, oua
Assista, Oua, Aproveite!
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In der kleinen -Reihe stellen wir in den nchsten Tagen die kostenfreien Veranstaltungen vom 20. bis 24. November 2023 in , , und vor. Heute:
Bill Gates ci porta nel futuro delle AI. Tra 5 anni, ognuno avr il suo agente personale in tasca
Il fondatore di Bill ha condiviso la sua visione per il futuro dell () in un post sul . Ha previsto significativi nelluso della .