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Gli hacker Cinesi di Volt Typhoon

Gli hacker Cinesi di Volt Typhoon minacciano gli Stati Uniti. FBI, NSA e CISA avvertono

Ach ja

: Ohne freigeschalteten UND Karten / Leser => Unmglich
(Kann nich mal nen Termin dazu vereinbaren)

Eigentlich easy.
Auer der is ein :

Ich versteh langsam Leute die kein Bock haben.

Die "" war n Klacks.
Aber scheinbar Inkonsequentiel
(Auer n Brief mit Brgergeld )

Dois Exerccios de Qigong (Chi Kung) e Tai Chi Chuan para apoiar na sua Meditao.

Acesse, assista, oua!

Aproveite, Medite!

Esper Hand: una mano bionica munita di IA che funziona con lelettromiografia non invasiva

Anche se molte non hanno a che fare con l , ci sono cose che si stanno facendo con la che sono piuttosto interessanti!

Battaglia per il dominio tecnologico: Washington vuole frenare il software RISC-V

Un altro bug critico su Ivanti. Gateway Connect Secure, Policy Secure e ZTA da aggiornare

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Most football players use social. Some football players are even .

Micah might be the most superstar weve ever had.

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Pointlessly duplicated effort is not my favoritre thing. My school's () is set to prohibit having multiple sections of the same course in one LMS shell. I teach 2 sections of . This means creating all quizzes twice, posting all announcements twice, uploading every document twice, constantly checking and tweaking the two course shells to keep them synched, etc.

Of course the decision to adopt the LMS was made without significant input or testing from the people who would use it. Of course legal's opinion that allowing any student to potentially see which section another student might be enrolled in is a "FERPA violation" was made without faculty input (and I think without checking with any FERPA experts).

Brightspace employees say it's dead easy to separate sections completely, to satisfy SUNY's interpretation of FERPA. However, there is ONE INSTANCE of Brightspace at SUNY (apparently), running at 56 separate colleges and universities. One instance for thousands of courses at dozens of schools.

The SUNY sysadmin for Brightspace (who controls everything b/c one instance) says the Brightspace people are wrong. He doesn't explain why, hasn't responded (so far) to several schools asking him to implement this, and to the Brightspace documentation and employees specifying which settings need to be set at the instance level to make it happen he just says "that can't be done".

Tens or hundreds of thousands of wasted hours of work, and probably a few cases of because someone at the top of an system has an idea he won't check out because (and now I'm guessing) it doesn't affect him, just a few thousand other people.

I'm getting closer to my goal of just abandoning my LMS entirely, except maybe for posting midterm and final grades. We've all been told that no other "online platform" can be used, meaning definitely no other LMSes but (at my school, anyway) several other platforms, like Discord and Slack. The prohibition seems to be driven by student complaints (i.e., if a student complaints something is "confusing," the dean or provost will declare that it is prohibited).

Yeah, getting closer to ditching all LMS use. Maybe I'll try this next fall.

I've got an online class on Stoicism and the Cardinal Virtues currently enrolling and starting on Saturday, February 24. Here's a short video about the class, the topics, and what we'll be covering

Existe uma nova ameaa para o sistema da Apple


Nun gut, sehe ich mich den heutigen spannenden von nun an, so muss ich von nicht nach . Ist ja auch und deshalb sind u.a. 's aus der Gegend auch bequem aber informativ ) Es geht ab 20:00 Uhr live los.

This was a

Who knew such existed

*1000 stations later*

Et on part en stream ! (oui, le bon jour et l'heure !)
On lance Splatoon 3, c'est le pr-splatfest et en plus je suis enfin rang S !
Donc si vous voulez faire des games, n'hsitez pas !

A tout de suite en live sur Twitch !

Una RCE da score 9.8 la causa degli aggiornamenti massivi di Fortinet FortiOS. Attacchi attivi in corso

Il Giallo Galbusera risolto! LockBit sbaglia target. Si tratta di unaltra azienda italiana

hier noch eine Liste von aktiven und ffentlich nutzbaren Instanzen ber und/oder . Die Liste zeigt nicht nur den Zustand der an, sondern auch deren Geschwindigkeit und Nuzzeit.

What I want is what you do not have: actually human-curated feeds about and off and not and and other of steadily to / online and .

If you do not have the volunteer force to do this, I would suggest you not make false claims that a script or prediction (AI) is 'curated" content.

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Must-watch Trailer: The Mommy Club S2

Gli hacker criminali di LockBit e il Giallo della Galbusera. Quel lazienda violata

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Pyongyang sotto Accusa: Hacker Nordcoreani Rubano Miliardi di dollari in criptovaluta per finanziare il programma nucleare!

5 anni. E il tempo che gli hacker cinesi di Volt Typhoon sono rimasti allinterno delle infrastrutture critiche statunitensi

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I always welcome people inviting me to play a game with them online. Find out more about what sort of games I play and what platforms I'm on here:

Matra Minitel Terminal (1984)

The Minitel was a Videotex online service accessible through telephone lines, and is considered one of the worlds most successful pre-World Wide Web online services.

Source: Wikipedia

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Tai Chi Chuan, a Meditao em Movimento - Meditantes PodCast #45

Playlist do Episodio:

Acesse, assista, oua, aproveite!

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