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For video meetings, could the software

For video meetings, could the software edit my eyes so other attendees see me looking at them (directly at my laptop's camera instead of slightly lower at my laptop's screen), in the interest of better communication through eye contact

Because improves during and via , , or other , when or from locations.

Stop calling meetings that aren't in-person"virtual" meetings. Here's why you should call them "online" meetings instead.

infuriating piece by Margaret McCartney who tried to raise concerns about and was ignored

Cos il Card Sharing. Per la pay TV italiana tornato, pi prepotente di prima

In Italia il fenomeno del era praticamente scomparso negli ultimi anni, anche a causa della offerta di , che aveva un costo analogo o addirittura inferiore e dalla maggiore praticit, facilit di visualizzazione su qualsiasi dispositivo (TV, PC, mobile) purch connesso ad internet.

Creata una AI capace di sviluppare un robot in modo indipendente. Gli scienziati la chiamano evoluzione istantanea

Un team di scienziati della ha creato la prima (AI) unica del suo genere in grado di sviluppare in modo indipendente.

I sometimes wonder on the ethics of people posting selfies (or other similar photos) on social media with their partner and more importantly their kids. The latter of whom cant consent to their image being online. And the former may not have given it.

I spent this entire afternoon updating my email address on all the various websites I use regularly. I'm about 1/2 way through. (Ditching GMail soon.)

Adulting and having an online presence for over 20 years, the trail of breadcrumbs gets pretty dang long!

Nel 2023 gli acquisti online in Italia superano i 54,2 miliardi di euro

Scopri di pi!

My first time to and is to click the right number to hes right position in this .

day 208: 77 points 49%

Ways To Improve Your Privacy Online

Switch to a privacy-focused browser
Adopt a messaging app with end-to-end encryption
Use a privacy-focused email service
Beware of phishing
Use strong passwords without reusing them
Dont overshare on Social Media

Lo sapevi che il 10% di internet crittografato con le Lampade lava

Il processo di delle si rivelato molto pi entusiasmante di quanto potresti pensare. Gli studi hanno dimostrato che le vengono utilizzate per proteggere circa il 10% del traffico Internet.

Alert Sicurezza F5: Svelata una vulnerabilit RCE in BIG-IP da 9.8 di score

Attacco informatico alla Boeing. Tra 5gg LockBit pubblicher i dati

La famigerata banda ransomware , rivendica un nuovo ad una big enterprise. Sul Data Leak Site () della cybergang, ieri un post che rivendica un ai danni dellazienda Boeing.

ltimamente , la compresin lectora est en horas bajas.
ltimamente, , la compresin oral est en horas bajas.
As que no pienso explicar ms lo que de por s se explica solo.

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had of , .

On Wednesday (25 October), shortly before 7pm, a began which left 18 dead and 13 injured at and in , .

iLeakage: il Side Channel per device Apple che consente laccesso ad informazioni sensibili visitando un sito web

Un gruppo di ha un chiamato , che funziona contro i dispositivi e consente di estrarre sensibili dal , comprese password e contenuti delle schede.

Esoteric Theories of Color and Modern Art November 9, 2023, online

Satans Places November 5, 2023, online

WhatsApp vai usar sistema de respostas criadas por IA no suporte


Warenhaus-Discounter Woolworth plant tausende neue Filialen - aber keinen Onlineshop

Warenhaus-Discounter Woolworth plant tausende neue Filialen - aber keinen Onlineshop

wiesz, nie wierz w ekstrawertyzm i introwertyzm. Miaem kiedy ssiada, ktry jka si niemiosiernie. Osoby postronne miay go za wycofan i bojc si osob ale ten umia zaatwi dla siebie wszystko. Nawet przyj i porozmawia. Do dzi utrzymujemy kontakt wic.. ja takich nie rozumiem. Asertywnoci mona si nauczy chociaby, poprzez rozmow z drugim czowiekiem... No ale jak wida, ludzie wol , bo tam czuj si anonimowo :) te pozdrawiam )

Habt ihr Lust auf ein paar lustige Games.
Morgen, Samstag den 28.10 findet unser statt.

Dabei knnt ihr uns in lockerer Atmosphre besser kennen lernen uns ausfragen.

Alle Infos hier:

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The time has come: I'm seeking participants for my research project The Cost of Human Milk

The project aims to gather the experiences of people who participate in human milk sharing practices and discover how these stories can provide insight on the value of human milk, bringing awareness to milk donation and . Milk sharing practices includes all forms of donation and sharing: donation to , sharing in-person or online, and receiving whether facilitated by a hospital, or through a local community.

I am seeking interview participants who:
- are aged 18 and over
- engaged in milk sharing practices between 2018 and 2023
- were living in Australia at the time of engaging in these milk sharing practices. This study focuses on experiences in , but participants do not need to be Australian citizens.

The interviews will be conducted on Zoom and will last approx. 45-60mins.

All parenting relationships and experiences are invited to participate in the study. This study recognises, respects and welcomes participation from women, men, trans, non-binary, and genderqueer people.

If you know someone who may be interested, please feel free to share this post and attached flyer.

Anyone who is interested in signing up as an interview participant or would like more information can use this LINK:
and I will respond directly.

I will be sharing more information including a website with the participant information sheet, but please reach out for a chat if you are interested in learning more.

This research project has been approved by the University of the Sunshine Coasts Human Ethics Committee, approval number S231877.

Il Browser Brave aggiunge nellinstallazione un client VPN

La preparazione cyber di Teheran per gli attacchi del 7 ottobre ad Israele

Minacce Silenziose nel Mondo Digitale: La Vulnerabilit delle Infrastrutture Critiche

"Log in with..." Feature allows full account takeover for Millions :2001:

Die Rettung in Sturm / . Eine Unterrichtsreihe von Brigitte Beil. Ihr ist ein Video des Neutestamentlers Peter vorangestellt, der die Erzhlweise des Markusevangeliums gut erklrt. Alles ist jetzt wieder

E pubblico lexploit per il bug critico di Citrix NetScaler ADC e Gateway. Scopriamo come funziona

stato pubblicato un per la (CVE-2023-4966), che consente agli aggressori di intercettare i di della dai dispositivi vulnerabili Citrix e NetScaler .

Che cos il Red Team Un viaggio allinterno delluniverso degli esperti di sicurezza offensiva

TetrisPhantom: Lo Spionaggio Governativo avviene attraverso Unit USB Sicure

Low Income Tip #19: Are you off work for an extended period of time following the birth of your child Have you thought about taking an online course to improve your skill set and give you future employment opportunities... Next Tip Nov 3 2023

Some decisions I've made that are slightly inconvenient at times.

I don't take a with me except when I'm at

I don't use an diary.

I pay in when I shop locally.

I won't use WhatsApp.

I also use , but that hasn't caused me any in years

Da knnte ich einiges dazu erzhlen: Pdagogik!

Recordings from Saturday 21st October

Thanks to those that had a slot and to everyone who tuned in!

Files will only be available for 7 DAYS from today and require a password to access, found below .



Let us know if you have any issues accessing.

37.000 dispositivi CISCO contengono backdoor. Attenzione in quanto il malware ora risulta pi difficile da rilevare

La Cina vuole introdurre il divieto di Internet ai Minori di 18 anni dalle 22:00 alle 06:00 della mattina

Condividi questo post se hai trovato la news interessante.

Il sistema di censura decentralizzato della Federazione Russa (TSPU) ora operativo al 100%

Il segmento di completamente attrezzato con mezzi tecnici per contrastare le minacce attraverso il di censura decentralizzato della (TSPU), installati sui nodi di come parte dellattuazione della legge sulla sovrana.

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