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Nina Blazon, vielfach ausgezeichnete , hat die 11. Poetik-Dozentur kinderleicht & lesejung der Pdagogischen (PHKA) und des Hausacher LeseLenz' zugesprochen bekommen.
Am 22. Januar hlt sie an der PHKA den zweiten und letzten Teil ihrer ffentlichen Vorlesung zum Thema Psychologische Lesefhrung im . Wer mchte, kann teilnehmen.
Find a New Friend Today International Civil Aviation Organization (icao.int
) is actively investigating reports of a potential information security incident allegedly linked to a threat actor known for targeting international organizations.  
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I am atomic, thermonuclear quant mega kvark man 8 bit. I enter the room. And, before my, everything was not in clear colors. And, it was, like I watch the world with eyes of VHS cassette. And, everything is moving like waves. Just like waves goes by the screen. It is a little hard for me to make a navigation in space.
Meditar sem a orientao de um professor pode ser um desafio, pois muitas vezes nos falta a clareza, o foco ou a disciplina necessria para sustentar a prtica...
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 Le Ministre Public de la Confdration (bundesanwaltschaft.ch
) a atteint ses limites en termes de personnel Le pays va devoir se prparer une augmentation des activits terroristes.  
Propagande terroriste sur Internet, argent vers depuis la Suisse des organisations terroristes et des individus partant faire le djihad.
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So, about .. Clearly it's inevitable, or at least so I hear. Sure, I've buried uncles and aunts, but I always thought my parents would be in the very distant future. Turns it it wasn't. My dad passed away a couple of months ago, and it's no surprise that an event like this kicks off a new trail of thought. What am I going to leave behind
It's mainly the digital stuff I'm worried about. accounts. Code. Files, photos and videos in the cloud and on the . Stuff that should either be shut down properly, or passed along to someone who cares.
I know that some online services offer an "in case of death" contact, and that's a great starting point. But what about all the other stuff I fear that even my password manager will be a challenge for those left behind.
Heute, 18:00 h: Aufstand der (Langzeit-)Arbeitslosen Alltagserzhlungen armutsbetroffener Menschen im Armutsdiskurs als politische Beteiligung I Christopher Smith Ochoa, Universitt Duisburg-Essen
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We are seeing profound mental illness stemming from excessive use, online bullying, screen addiction, or falling prey to online child sexual exploitation. We are seeing children who are disappearing into worlds, who are unable to sleep, who are increasingly inattentive and impulsive, emotionally dysregulated and aggressive
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ergnzend zum Toot oben noch diesen Kommentar und ja Massenkommunikation wurde schon immer als Propaganda und somit Machterhaltung so wie Erlangung genutzt.
Wie Meta, Google, X & Co. Journalismus und Demokratie bedrohen:
Groe Online-Plattformen haben sich zu schdlichen Machtzentralen im Netz entwickelt, monieren Medienwissenschaftler. Sie mssten fr Inhalte Dritter haften.
Here's a treasury of good ideas and resources we uncovered during a two-hour session "Moderating Online Panels", held December 16, 2020.
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