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Make New Friends Now (s watev.. " * wait what no that was good tho * n all.. pfff ffs..is now useless for gauging general sentiment . Its always been an , but I think its obvious that a large percent of comments are from and . The same with posts. A good portion are also bots and troll farm accounts, or maybe even accounts controlled by Reddit itself, then pushed to the front page. And since Reddit is adding paid tiers, or whatever, its best to just avoid the place. I suspect the paid stuff will be archival, since that is the most useful aspect to Reddit. I have a feeling it will flop. Its Digg v4 all over. Different circumstances, same result.
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Join us at the ACCU Conference 2025 the ultimate gathering for programmers passionate about advancing their craft. With a tagline of "Professionalism in Programming," we explore the entire spectrum of languages, tools, and techniques. From C++ to Python, TDD to BDD it's all here!
When: 1st - 4th April 2025
Where: Delta Hotels by Bristol Marriott, Bristol, UK
Pricing and registration:
As I said earlier today, I'm thinking of offering a 3-sesson / about finding and working with , assistants, and other ad hoc .
I forgot to mention I'm also thinking about reviving "Playing Well With Others," a 2-meetinig series about collaborations.
Both would be scheduled for July or August.
Contact me if you'd like more information (infos-4-s-p.com). As usual, I'll offer a discount to groups of 5 or more.
Sarah Lowengard
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Vortrag Liebe, Geschlecht und das Teilen von Arbeit Wie die kapitalistische Wirtschaft unsere Nahbeziehungen formt von Dr. Lisa Yashodhara Haller
Online, Freitag, 21. Februar um 19:00 MEZ
Wir leben in einer freien Gesellschaft. Es bleibt uns berlassen, wie wir unser Leben ausgestalten. Ungehindert knnen wir lieben, wen wir mchten und selbst definieren, wer wir sein wollen. Diese verheiungsvolle Botschaft von individueller Handlungsmacht berdeckt, dass sozialstaatliche Steuerung unser Privatleben beeinflusst, sie erffnet Handlungsrume und grenzt diese ein. Staatliche Steuerungsinstrumente allen voran familienpolitische Leistungen und Manahmen von der Finanzierung der Pille ber die Kinderwunschbehandlung, das Kindergeld und Elterngeld bis hin zum Ehegattensplitting rahmen unser Privatleben. Sie regulieren, wer wann zu welchen Konditionen und in welchem Alter Kinder bekommt, wie Anteile der gesellschaftlichen Arbeitszeit jenseits von Lohnarbeit so organisiert werden, dass Zeit zur Frsorge freigesetzt wird und wer fr welche Form der Sorge Geld bekommt all das unterliegt einer sozialstaatlichen Steuerung und damit politischen Entscheidungen.
Ohne deren Aufdeckung erscheint uns unser Privatleben mit samt allen Entscheidungen und Handlungen jedoch als individuelle Prferenz. In dem Vortrag widmen wir uns den Vermittlungszusammenhngen zwischen diesen vermeintlich ganz privaten Entscheidungen und deren sozialpolitischen Einbettung. Jenseits plumper Ableitungsverhltnisse bietet die Veranstaltung die Mglichkeit, sozialstaatliche Steuerungsabsichten in den einzelnen Subjekten, deren Handlungen, Einstellungen und der Ausgestaltung ihres Liebeslebens wiederzuentdecken und sie damit als gewordene und vernderbare Resultate politischer Steuerung zu entmystifizieren.
Der Vortrag wird vom autonomen FLINTA und Geschlechtergerechtigkeitsreferat organisiert.
An Zoom-Meeting teilnehmen:
Meeting-ID: 637 5838 6007
Kenncode: 207035
Met my banker yesterday & she mentioned resources I could try for to learn skills & get another job. I wanted to ask YOU guys about this (since nobody I know personally is tech savvy):
Have any of you done Google, LinkedIn, or Slack courses for certifications, & have those certifications actually HELPED you get job opportunities I've seen a mix of things on YouTube about 'em & wonder if they're worth trying.
I really NEED a WFH job & need to replace 1 of my 2 current jobs (if not both), but need some serious skills. I just don't know where to start. And I have no room to stretch the budget right now so I can't pay a lot for courses or anything like that, but some ideas would be great.
I've found free computer skills courses on Coursera I'm adding them to my list, just dunno about certifications. Are they really worth it & do they help as much as my banker thinks they will
Any ideas or help would be great.
More catching up on Codex 2024 reading, P.H. Lee's "The V*ampire" won't be for everyone but it has a lot to say about bullying and the harm as well as potential of online teen culture. Horror as allegory. Strongly recommended.
I'm thinking about offering a 3-sesson about finding and working with , assistants, and other ad hoc .
July or August.
Contact me if you'd be interested (infos-4-s-p.com)
Join us at the ACCU Conference 2025 the ultimate gathering for programmers passionate about advancing their craft. With a tagline of "Professionalism in Programming," we explore the entire spectrum of languages, tools, and techniques. From C++ to Python, TDD to BDD it's all here!
When: 1st - 4th April 2025
Where: Delta Hotels by Bristol Marriott, Bristol, UK
Pricing and registration:
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